Monday, November 29, 2010

The Great MERS Whitewash Bill

This first clip is an excellent visual presentation explaining the subprime meltdown. I know we have all been over this many times. Trust me, this is an excellent piece of work and well worth watching.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

This next clip is the Dylan Ratigan show on November 23. Congresswoman Kapur has a very folksy but effective way of describing how Americans are still getting sodomized by Wall Street bankstas.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Day The Dollar Died

An entertaining, and no holds barred fictional look at what America's post QE4 future may look like.

Today: China, Russia quit dollar.
Some good news: DOJ & FBI doing what the SEC should have done.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Look inside Pandora's Box

The US-economist James K. Galbraith gave a remarkable speech to the biennial convention of the CEP Union of Canada in Toronto on September 20, 2010. In that speech he looked inside Pandora's Box – and what he found as the root-cause for the crisis we face was: FRAUD. In the following interview related to this speech he explains the need "to take control over institutions and restructure them."

Watch live streaming video from ceplive at

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tarpley: 'US tries to destroy Euro'

China's ownership of the United States government debt has dropped to the lowest level in at least a year. Webster Tarpley also says that the US was trying to shift the depression onto Europe, trying to destroy the Euro with a speculative attack on Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

US debts and liabilities

"The United States already has debts and liabilities exceeding those of all the rest of the planet, combined – despite only representing about 5% of the Earth’s population. It is hopelessly insolvent by any, rational measure. And still the bond-bulls trot-out the absurd argument that U.S. Treasuries represent a “flight to safety”. The largest buyer/holder of U.S. Treasuries over the past decade (China) has been steadily selling, not buying." Read article.

U.S. Deficit $202 Trillion

Friday, June 18, 2010

Market is Nuts!

Remember the Flash Crash?...It's still going on...

Text of report.
Notional amounts of derivatives held by federally insured banks have risen to more than $200 trillion.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Soros: China Will Lead New World Order

Billionaire globalist George Soros told the Financial Times during an interview that China will supplant the United States as the leader of the new world order and that America should not resist the country’s decline as the dollar weakens, living standards drop, and a new global currency is introduced.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gerald Celente : Financial Armageddon 2.0

According to Celente $11T of Gvt injection and backstop money has merely delayed the collapse. Capitalism is now dead and has been replaced by Fascism... Many countries will collapse - defaulting on their sovereign debt and the US will be no different. A looming bank holiday, another 9/11 style attack and a global war are all likely in our future.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

40,000% gain in one day

There is a lot of talk about the 'timing' of the SEC charge against Goldman Sachs as it related to hearings on regulations, but did anyone notice that the timing fell on an options expiration day? Goldman Sachs April $165 puts jumped from 1 cent to $4, a 40,000% gain! Bhahaha! I hope GS was not in on this short for a change! What is the SEC's motivation: fixing the wrong or crowd control?
Video: Sorkin & Colbert.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

gold market is paper ponzi

"OTC market treats gold purely as a financial asset, essentially conforming to the precepts of fractional reserve banking. ... The LBMA trades hundreds of times the real underlying physical. This is ... a giant Ponzi Scheme." -- Zero Hedge, Deep Capture

The Genesis Of The Gold-Tungsten: The Rest Of The Story.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Currency?

“What is different about using AIG as the cover to move dirty funds is that they were the conduit for stolen money going directly to Goldman Sachs (and indirectly to the other Boyz). Since AIG isn't an 'official' government agency, it would be hard to claim 'national security' to sidetrack an investigation. This money shuffle through AIG is the one weak link that might open a legal window into the greatest theft of all time.” - Northern Advisor. A report that lists a summary of events creating and causing our global economic problems.
Is A New Dollar On The Horizon For The USA in 2010?
New Currency takes over the world.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is the FED and U.S. Gov Rigging the Stock Market?

Very interesting if true…

From zerohedge:

Are Federal Reserve and U.S. Government Rigging Stock Market? We Have No Evidence They Are, but They Could Be. We Do Not Know Source of Money That Pushed Market Cap Up $6+ Trillion since Mid-March.

The most positive economic development in 2009 was the stock market rally. Since the middle of March, the market cap of all U.S. stocks has soared more than $6 trillion. The “wealth effect” of rising stock prices has soothed the nerves and boosted the net worth of the half of Americans who own stock.

We cannot identify the source of the new money that pushed stock prices up so far so fast. For the most part, the money did not from the traditional players that provided money in the past:
• Companies. Corporate America has been a huge net seller. The float of shares has ballooned $133 billion since the start of April.
• Retail investor funds. Retail investors have hardly bought any U.S. equities. Bond funds, yes. U.S equity funds, no. U.S. equity funds and ETFs have received just $17 billion since the start of April. Over that same time frame bond mutual funds and ETFs received $351 billion.
• Retail investor direct. We doubt retail investors were big direct purchases of equities. Market volatility in this decade has been the highest since the 1930s, and we no evidence retail investors were piling into individual stocks. Also, retail investor sentiment has been mostly neutral since the rally began.
• Foreign investors. Foreign investors have provided some buying power, purchasing $109 billion in U.S. stocks from April through October. But we suspect foreign purchases slowed in November and December because the U.S. dollar was weakening.
• Hedge funds. We have no way to track in real time what hedge funds do, and they may well have shifted some assets into U.S. equities. But we doubt their buying power was enormous because they posted an outflow of $12 billion from April through November.
• Pension funds. All the anecdotal evidence we have indicates that pension funds have not been making a huge asset allocation shift and have not moved more than about $100 billion from bonds and cash into U.S. equities since the rally began.
If the money to boost stock prices did not come from the traditional players, it had to have come from somewhere else.

We do not know where all the money has come from. What we do know is that the U.S. government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars to support the auto industry, the housing market, and the banks and brokers. Why not support the stock market as well?

As far as we know, it is not illegal for the Federal Reserve or the U.S. Treasury to buy S&P 500 futures. Moreover, several officials have suggested the government should support stock prices. For example, former Fed board member Robert Heller opined in the Wall Street Journal in 1989, “Instead of flooding the entire economy with liquidity, and thereby increasing the danger of inflation, the Fed could support the stock market directly by buying market averages in the futures market, thereby stabilizing the market as a whole.” In a Financial Times article in 2002, an unidentified Fed official was quoted as acknowledging that policymakers had considered buying U.S. equities directly, not just futures. The official mentioned that the Fed could “theoretically buy anything to pump money into the system.” In an article in the Daily Telegraph in 2006, former Clinton administration official George Stephanopoulos mentioned the existence of “an informal agreement among the major banks to come in and start to buy stock if there appears to be a problem.”

and informationclearinghouse adds:

The Working Group on Financial Markets, also known as the Plunge Protection Team, was created by Ronald Reagan to prevent a repeat of the Wall Street meltdown of October 1987. Its members include the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Chairman of the SEC and the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Recently, (2007) the team has been put on high alert because of increased market volatility and, what Hank Paulson calls, the systemic risk posed by hedge funds and derivatives....

This suggests that the PPT could, in fact, be the driving-force behind the ongoing stock market rally.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

How Goldman Sachs Made Tens Of Billions Of Dollars From The Economic Collapse Of America In Four Easy Steps

Step 1: Sell mortgage-related securities that are absolute junk to trusting clients at vastly overinflated prices.

Step 2: Bet against those same mortgage-related securities and make massive bets against the U.S. housing market so that your firm will make massive profits when the U.S. economy collapses.

Step 3: Have ex-Goldman executives in key positions of power in the U.S. government so that bailout money can be funneled to entities such as AIG that Goldman has made these bets with so that they can get paid after they win their bets.

Step 4: Collect the profits - Goldman Sachs is having their "most successful year" and will end up reporting approximately $50 billion in revenue for 2009.

Thanks to Mike Rivero.