Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Crime of Our Time: Was the Economic Collapse 'Indeed, Criminal?'

Danny Schechter's latest book "The Crime of Our Time: Was the Economic Collapse 'Indeed, Criminal?'"

The Crimes of Wall Street includes:
Fraud and control frauds;
Insider trading;
Theft and conspiracy;
Ponzi schemes;
False accounting;
Diverting funds into obscenely high salaries and obscene bonuses;
Bilking investors, customers and homeowners;
Conflicts of interest;
Mesmerizing regulators;
Manipulating markets;
Tax frauds;
Making loans and then arranging that they fail;
Engineering phony financial products;
Misleading the public;
Buying a controlling stake in Washington;
Assuring their own officials run the Treasury, Fed, and all functions related to the economy and finance, including the regulatory bodies; and
Writing laws and regulations that govern their industry and activities.

Book review.

The people vs Wall Street.
Geithner aides made millions on Wall Street.

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