Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Big Lie - Rob Kirby

Market Observation - Rob Kirby 04.20.2009 Partial quote:
The U.S. Treasury released the Treasury International Capital (TIC) report for February 2009. It shows another outflow of capital. “Monthly net TIC flows were negative $97.0 billion. Of this, net foreign private flows were negative $106.3 billion, and net foreign official flows were positive $9.3 billion.” This is a huge reversal. That is almost a quarter of a trillion dollars in just two months. Foreigners are not bailing out the Treasury any longer. They are pulling out. They are net sellers. This means that domestic buyers must be found — not just for the gigantic wave of debt already on the books but also for the foreigners who are saying sayonara. The FED has not budgeted for this. It has pretended that the much-heralded glut of international savings would continue. It’s over. It’s not just over; it’s imploding. We are now seeing a glut of selling.

Goodbye recovery, or, Goodbye dollar.

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