Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Danger: SEC does not enforce the law

I’ve commented before on how the Securities & Exchange Commission under Christopher Cox has looked the other way like a crooked cop while certain well-connected market makers robbed us of our 401k investments through counterfeit stock electronically injected by naked short selling. So it was with great interest I tuned in to watch the new SEC leader, Linda Thomsen, hold a public forum on proposals for new short selling rules. It was sad to see that the meeting turned into just talk, talk, talk, and no action for many months at best. When will the SEC start to do their job an arrest the parties that are failing to deliver?!

Far from just being inept, it appears the new SEC leadership is implicated in the failures to enforce justice under the old SEC. For example, watch Linda in action:

Full story read: Deep Capture, April 13, 2009.

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