Thursday, April 2, 2009

Transparency Key to Effective Reform of Global Financial System in G-20 Process

PRNewswire-USNewswire / Transparency Key to Effective Reform of Global Financial System in G-20 Process

"There is a shadow financial system comprised of tax havens, secrecy jurisdictions, disguised corporations and anonymous trusts which facilitates the movement of corrupt, criminal, and commercially tax-evading money across borders and around the world," says Raymond Baker, director of Global Financial Integrity (GFI). "This shadow financial system is at the heart of the current global economic crisis. Secrecy prevents accurate appraisal of the depths of the subprime mortgage collapse and other collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps, derivatives contracts, and more. Lending has nearly collapsed since financial institutions are unable to discern the quality of assets of those needing funds."

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